Thoroughly pick through & rinse your moss (3-4 times) until all the sand, debris and shells have been removed.
Place your Irish Sea Moss in a large container, cover it with spring water. Make sure that the water covers the moss because the moss will expand when rehydrated.
Soak your sea moss in spring water 3-6 hrs. (even overnight)
Strain off the water.
Place gelatin textured sea moss in the blender, add little to no spring water.
Blend until smooth, then store your Irish Moss Gel in a clean glass container (mason jar) and store it in the refrigerator.
Sea Moss will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks
- 1-4 Tablespoons (1tbsp equals a 500 mg capsule)
- Add Irish Sea Moss Gel to almost anything: smoothies, shakes, soups, sauces, teas, etc.
- Irish Sea Moss is a great vegan substitute for gelatin or eggs in recipes to emulsify or thicken when required in recipes for puddings, mousses, creams, etc.
Dried: Irish Sea Moss can be stored for over one (1) year if you store it in a dark cool place (NOT YOUR REFRIGERATOR).
Gel: When placed into a glass container, your Irish sea moss gel can last between 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.